India’s Ice cream industry that faced a complete washout last year due to covid is making a strong comeback. Top companies like Amul, Hindustan Unilever (HUL), Vadilal and Mother Dairy in the Rs 19000- Crore ice cream market have witnessed a sales growth of 3040% in February over the same period in 2019.
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The COVID-19 outbreak is an uncommon occasion, influencing networks around the world. None of us have recently encountered a circumstance like the one we are at present going through. Our thoughts are with those generally influenced. In this pandemic situation, extraordinary measures are needed to ensure we can continue to deliver on our promise to secure what’s good.
01. Can I get Covid-19 eating fresh foods, like fruits & vegetables?
There is currently no evidence that people can catch COVID-19 from food, including fruits and vegetables. Fresh fruits and vegetables are part of a healthy diet and their consumption should be encouraged.
02. How should I wash fruits & vegetables at the time of Covid-19?
Wash fruit and vegetables the same way you would in any other circumstance. Before handling them, wash your hands with soap and water. Then wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly with clean water, especially if you eat them raw.
03. Can the virus that causes Covid-19 live on the surface of food packaging?
Coronaviruses need a live animal or human host to multiply and survive and cannot multiply on the surface of food packages. It is not necessary to disinfect food packaging materials, but hands should be properly washed after handling food packages and before eating.
04. Can the virus that causes Covid-19 be transmitted through the consumption of cooked foods, including animal products?
There is currently no evidence that people can catch COVID-19 from food. The virus that causes COVID-19 can be killed at temperatures similar to that of other known viruses and bacteria found in food. Foods such as meat, poultry and eggs should always be thoroughly cooked to at least 70°C. Before cooking, raw animal products should be handled with care to avoid cross-contamination with cooked foods.
05. Is it safe to go to grocery stores and other food markets?
Yes, it is generally safe to go grocery shopping and to markets by following the below prevention measures:
- Clean your hands with sanitizer before entering the store.
- Cover a cough or sneeze in your bent elbow or tissue.
- Maintain at least a 1-metre distance from others, and if you can’t maintain this distance, wear a mask (many stores now require a mask).
- Once home, wash your hands thoroughly and also after handling and storing your purchased products.
There is currently no confirmed case of COVID-19 transmitted through food or food packaging.
06. Is it safe to have groceries delivered?
Yes, it is safe to have groceries delivered if the provider follows good personal and food hygiene practices. After accepting food/grocery deliveries, hands should be properly washed.
07. What foods should be consumed to support the immune system?
The immune system requires the support of many nutrients. It is recommended to consume a variety of foods for a healthy and balanced diet, including whole grains, legumes, vegetables, fruits, nuts and animal source foods. There is no single food that will prevent you from catching COVID-19.
For more details you can visit World Health Organization